Our Fairy Tale

OhmGnomes is a Fiber Arts, Herbal Medicine, & Cacao company founded by Miguel the Magical Gnome. Inspired by a life changing journey and portal opening experience back in 2015 high in the Peruvian Andes Mountains, OhmGnomes has since been a Heart Felt exploration into Nature, Her Medicine, and Her Endless Depths of Magic. Sprouting into existence based on a dream to connect People to People, People to Nature, and People to their Magical selves, OhmGnomes is inspiring an authentic opportunity to delve deeper into the more magical things in life.
With an educational background in Anthropology, Religion, and Magic, Miguel spent his early 20s studying at Columbia University researching the traditional and modern uses of psychedelic plants amongst indigenous and non-indigenous groups and the effects of globalization on those groups. With an academic focus on “authenticity” in personal relationships with plants in a rapidly interconnecting world, Miguel spent years doing research around how to live in authentic harmonious connection with the land, self, and others. It is here, in this search for real connection, that the premise of OhmGnomes became illuminated.
Beginning with Fiber Gnome Hats, the OhmGnomes Fairy Tale has grown to include Herbal Medicines, Natural Dyes, and Organic Foods. The realms of fiber, medicine, and food are ubiquitously united around the world and by not seeing them as separate pieces but as one interconnected story line, OhmGnomes is felting together a more authentic and clear picture of how to live and create more harmoniously with every life choice. Food is medicine, medicine is color, and our clothing is what encapsulates the living breathing medicine creatures we truly are.